The ShoeBeDoo Story

In 2008, two local West Australians returned home from working in Europe. And so the delightful ShoeBeDoo journey began …

Our Story

Well, that was us!  And we took our combined 40+ years of 5 Star hotel experience and applied that with relish to our beautiful shoe boutique, located in Bunbury in the South West of Western Australia.

Within a few years we had opened a new store in the south west town of Dunsborough, in the heart of the Margaret River Wine Growing Region, continuing to apply our unique combination of 5 Star hospitality with amazing product.

Our team emulate our values, learning from being constantly in touch with our customers on the shop floor and virtually via our online store, and understanding what our ladies want. That is, a product that makes their feet smile, whilst also looking fabulous. Regardless of the heel height!

We love what we do, and look forward to each season, bringing our customers that “something different”.  From constantly sourcing new brands, to working with our European and Australian suppliers to finding the unusual, the colourful, the “oh that is so perfect for my dress”, we are proud of our gorgeous stores and of the very unique experience we bring to you, our customers.


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